
Solutions that support clean seas and sustainable fisheries, from deck to port

SEARCULAR is a research and innovation project, working to reduce marine litter and microplastic generated by fishing gear.

By testing and refining four circular solutions to plastic waste, SEARCULAR is helping to support sustainable livelihoods and healthy marine ecosystems. Three solutions use more sustainable materials as alternatives to the traditional plastics used in fishing gear, and one solution helps ports to recycle fishing gear after use.

Together, these holistic approaches can give gear a new lease of life and enhance sustainability in the fishing industry.


Tailored to the requirements of diverse fisheries, SEARCULAR’s solutions all have the potential to tackle marine plastics from fishing gears at source. Our work is helping to recirculate and eliminate waste from fishing gears, and, ultimately, supporting sustainable fisheries and healthy marine environments for generations to come.

Recycled dolly ropes

Traditional dolly ropes used on trawlers fray easily, have a reasonably limited lifespan, and are sometimes lost at sea. At the same time, every year thousands of tonnes of fishing nets are discarded, having reached the end of their life. SEARCULAR is reconditioning end-of-life purse seine nets to manufacture more resistant dolly rope. This SEARCULAR solution will reduce the amount of marine litter and microplastics generated at sea and discarded nets in ports, while also providing fishermen with more durable gears.

Bio-seine ropes

Ropes used by demersal seiners targeting demersal species can be a source of marine plastics pollution, due to high rope abrasion and wear during use. To address this, SEARCULAR is testing ropes made from biodegradable polymers that are three times more resistant to friction than traditional materials used. This helps fishing gear last longer, while reducing plastic input into the environment.

Eco FADs

Designed to attract fish, drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)— used in purse seine tuna fisheries – are usually made from durable plastics, which can accumulate in sensitive areas like coral reefs. To tackle this, SEARCULAR is trialling an eco ‘jellyFAD’ as a biodegradable alternative with a shorter life, to help reduce plastic waste accumulation and contribute to healthy habitats.

Circular port-based solutions

Sustainable management of fishing gear at the end of its life is compulsory in the EU. However, issues relating to sorting, logistics, information and traceability means that much fishing gear still ends up in landfill or incinerators. SEARCULAR will trial a port-based approach that can facilitate collection, recycling and reuse of fishing gear.

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Who we are

Coordinated by Spanish research institute AZTI, SEARCULAR brings together 13 organisations from across 6 countries, each working in close collaboration with the fishing industry to implement circular solutions for fishing gear in a four-year project, spanning 2023 to 2026.

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Our partners

Drawing on our combined experience, expertise and networks, together we are implementing solutions that can minimise waste, meet European policy targets for clean, healthy marine environments and, at the same time, support sustainable fishing fleets and thriving coastal communities.


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